Thursday, July 30, 2009

Two pictures of our teams. The full team picture is missing two people, but it's hard to get all 21 together at once! We have become good friends with our teaching colleagues and we will miss them when we leave. The man in the centre is John Nyaogbe, the course director.
The other photo is one of us hosting Canada Night. We did this in all three locations. The evening consisted of a slide show, talks about our provinces, a Canada trivia quiz, Balderdash, a line dance, the campfire song "Fish and Chips and Vinegar", the story "The Hockey Sweater" and barrel racing. Very busy evenings, but much fun had by all!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proof we were here! We see the words "You are welcome" everywhere and hear them every morning when we arrive at school. It's a typical , gracious greeting that we find charming.

Here's a very curious little monkey that reminds us of one of the funniest stories on our trip. At breakfast on Sunday morning at Mole, one of these brazen creatures jumped up on our table, and grabbed toast right off Debbie's plate. We all jumped and some choice words were uttered, but it provided quite a laugh for many days afterwards.
We got up close and personal with a family of elephants during our safari in Mole National Park. It was a real thrill to be so close and take great pictures and video. We also saw other animals like antelope, bush hogs, monkeys, birds, but these elephants were the highlight for sure.

Monday, July 27, 2009

This is the Regency Resorts Hotel in Sunyani. We stayed here on Saturday and Sunday nights. It had incredible gardens - lovely outside. Unfortunately it had some drawbacks that made us decide to move to the Eusbett Hotel, closer to downtown. Hot water was available in only some rooms, electricity was iffy, no internet, very noisy spot and far out of town, so we felt pretty isolated. We changed hotels this morning and we are much happier this evening. Stan, Jennifer and I went for a walk to the market (about 15 minutes walk). Jeanne and Esther also explored a bit around the market. Karen took advantage of the gym in the hotel to work out and go for a swim in the pool. We have had little opportunity for exercise since we got here. This feels good!

These are pictures from the last night in Wa - Ghana night. Upper East and Upper West competed to see who could put on the best show. So we were treated to some wonderful displays of singing, dancing and drumming - including the playing of this xylophone by a sister (nun) from an area south of Wa. She sometimes played other drums and let another player have a turn but she was amazing! At the end of the evening, the competition was declared a draw! No losers here.

Debbie and her wonderful SHS Administration class from Wa. Jennifer and some items she purchased from funds given by her union and school board - these given to some very deprived schools in the Wa area. Debbie is working with a group of administrators on aspects of leadership skills.