Monday, July 27, 2009

This is the Regency Resorts Hotel in Sunyani. We stayed here on Saturday and Sunday nights. It had incredible gardens - lovely outside. Unfortunately it had some drawbacks that made us decide to move to the Eusbett Hotel, closer to downtown. Hot water was available in only some rooms, electricity was iffy, no internet, very noisy spot and far out of town, so we felt pretty isolated. We changed hotels this morning and we are much happier this evening. Stan, Jennifer and I went for a walk to the market (about 15 minutes walk). Jeanne and Esther also explored a bit around the market. Karen took advantage of the gym in the hotel to work out and go for a swim in the pool. We have had little opportunity for exercise since we got here. This feels good!

1 comment:

  1. we are all looking forward to seeing you safely home, and to hear more in person. You must all be sad to see the end of this adventure, but also glad to be coming home soon.
    Tell Jeanne I will meet her on the third, in toronto
